Nuova Simonelli Aurelia Wave Family

AureliaWave T3 2 Group.jpg
AureliaWave T3 2 Group.jpg

Nuova Simonelli Aurelia Wave Family

from $11,600.00

Advanced Bold Revolutionary

Suitable for High-quality coffee shops, medium to high volume locations, demanding professionals, barista competitors, specialty coffee shops.

The Aurelia Wave Vol is the ideal espresso machine for all those who are looking for unprecedented performance and reliability

Available in additional colors. Please contact us at

Warranty Info

All of our espresso machines come standard with our 2-year manufacturer warranty.

We also sell additional dealer warranties which can be found above.

Water Info

The installation of a water softener is mandatory for all users that don't meet the required water specifications, failure to do so will void your warranty. It is recommended to always add a water filter to your order if you do not have one already. The replacement time of filters depends on the water and quantity of drinks being made (see estimating calculator).

Group Heads:
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Advanced Bold Revolutionary

Suitable for High-quality coffee shops, medium - high volume locations, demanding professionals, barista competitors, specialty coffee shops.

The Aurelia Wave Vol is the ideal espresso machine for all those who are looking for unprecedented performance and reliability

Wave Vol: The Aurelia Wave Vol builds off the Aurelia II Vol adding a number of new improvements and features. Coming standard with a high-resolution screen display this machine gives the barista unparalleled control over the machine at their fingertips. Allowing the baristas to easily program dosages, boiler pressure, pre-infusion, and even energy savings settings. Making this one of our most flexible and consistent volumetric espresso machines.

Wave T3: The Aurelia Wave T3 builds off our old Aurelia II T3 and digital machine adding a number of improvements. Our latest technology; Pulse Jet, gives even more control to the user allowing them to stop and start the flow of coffee at different/customization intervals allowing the coffee to bloom in a number of ways. T3 technology gives the barista complete control over the temperature of the primary boiler, the coffee groups' boiler, and the head of each group. While the high-resolution touch screen continuously talks to these components for quick and easy adjustments. The Independent group head timers display shows independent shots simultaneously, eliminating the need for external timers. This machine also comes standard with many of the same features as the digit model, including, automatic purging, automated cleaning, boiler pressure program, energy-saving settings, and much more.


More Info

Wave: The identity of the new Aurelia. Its name not only represents its unique looks but also the continual movement of espresso technology.

First and foremost is the Aurelia Wave Smart Water Technology (optional). For the first time in espresso history, this machine can detect basic water parameters and warn the operator when the quality changes. Being that water makes up the mass majority of espresso, and espresso equipment issues this acts as a safeguard for all operators reducing long-term costs.

All of this in combination with the Wave’s focus on detail, Energy Consumption/Environmental impact, and Ergonomics earns its place next to the Aurella II, raising the bar of what an espresso machine can do once again.